Spinecare Topics

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Exercise and The Spine
The Spine and Gait

Conditions which can lead to Abnormal Gait
  • Polyneuropathy
  • Vestibular disturbances
  • Vision impairment
  • Arthritis
  • Foot pain
  • Pronation
  • Bunions
  • Medications
  • Nerve damage
  • Back pain
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Disc herniation and radiculopathy

Methods of Evaluating Gait

There are different methods of evaluating of gait. These methods include:

  • History and physical examination
  • Visual gait evaluation
  • Plantar pressure assessment
  • Force plate assessment
  • Quantitative treadmill assessment
  • Regional functional assessment
  • Video capture and analysis

History and Physical Examination

The physical exam provides information about neurological integrity, muscle strength and joint range of motion. The information obtained from a physical exam is limited because it is usually limited to assessing the patient in a sedentary fashion with the patient sitting or lying down.  The gait evaluation becomes a valuable extension of the physical examination.

Visual Gait Analysis

During a gait examination, the attending specialist will observe for movement fluency and symmetry during the various phases of gait. This includes the evaluation of posture, the assessment of arm swing asymmetry, head position, pelvic movement, stride length, and heel-toe strike dynamics. Visual gait assessment is also used to observe for foot pronation and supination.

Plantar Pressure Assessment

Plantar pressure assessment requires that the patient assume a normal stance on a device which performs a scan of the plantar surfaces of the feet. The image data is then transferred to a computer. Color is assigned to various weight bearing areas of the foot creating a color map of the pressure patterns and their relationship to foot anatomy and callus formation.

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All health information posted on the site is based on the latest research and national treatment standards, and have been written or reviewed and appoved by the American Acedemy of Spine Physicians and/or International Spine Association physicians or health professionals unless otherwise specified.

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